General governance

Board tasks and responsibilities

Shareholders elect the Board at the AGM to serve a mandate period beginning with the AGM and concluding with the AGM the following year. On behalf of M.O.B.A. Network’s owners, the Board establishes the goals and strategies for the company, evaluates the operational management and ensures that systems are in place to monitor and verify the company’s business and organizational objectives.

The Board also ensures that the company’s stakeholders are furnished with accurate information, that laws and regulations are complied with and internal policies are modified as needed. Board members are to devote the time and attention to the company that their assignment demands. Board members are continuously updated on new regulations, practices and statutory requirements that may affect the business.

The Board appoints the CEO, and is responsible for the organization and management of the company in accordance with the Swedish Company Act. The Board meets at least four times a year. The board has to invite the company’s auditors for at least one board meeting each year.

Board tasks and responsibilities

The Board’s operations and the division of responsibilities between the Board and the management team are governed by the Board’s Rules of Procedure, which are adopted by the Board each year after the AGM. The current Rules of Procedure were adopted by the Board in September 2018. They include a Rules of Procedure for the CEO as well as an instruction for financial reporting.

Remuneration of the Board

The Annual General Meeting decides on a year to year basis on the remuneration of the Board of Directors.

Auditing and remuneration issues

The annual shareholder meeting appoint auditor and compensation for auditing. Furthermore the annual meeting decides of comansations policy for the senior executives.

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